Customer Service from the Customer Perspective Today’s customers have had access to a wide range of customer service experiences. The options seem endless, and include talking in-person, communicating through emails or messages, and talking to an automated response system, to
Cost Efficient vs Lower Sticker Price
Contact Center Transparency
Contact centers handle sensitive customer information all day long, such as personal addresses, credit card numbers, and even social security numbers. It can be easy to understand why some customers are apprehensive about sharing this information; without verification of a
New Year, New Success: Assume You’re Right
New Year, New Success: Be Confident
With the New Year just getting started, it is common for people to make resolutions in order to “better” themselves. In business, there are a number of easy ways to improve upon practices. One of the most effective ways to
Don’t Forget the Milk and Cookies!
The traditions of Christmas are something of wonder for little kids growing up. Decorating the Christmas tree, hanging up your stockings by the fireplace, and perhaps the yummiest of them all, leaving out milk and cookies for Santa. While a
Still Shopping? Try to Find These Hot 2014 Toys
‘Tis the season for holiday shopping! Most of us are involved in some sort of gift exchange, whether it be between friends, family, or a mixture of both. As we all begin to brace ourselves for the influx of holiday
Call Santa
During Christmas time, you can’t always make it out to the malls and wait in long lines for your child to see Santa. Many mobile apps are just a standard, prerecorded message that pauses five seconds to wait for your