you're right

With the New Year upon us, you may find yourself being asked frequently: “What’s your New Year’s resolution?”  Though any time of the year is a good time to make important changes, the fresh start can motivate us to make adjustments we neglected throughout the previous year.  Today we would encourage you to make the resolution to assume you’re right when it comes to your business.

Now, this may seem like backwards logic.  Of course we want to look like we know everything to the people we work with, but the truth is none of us know it all.  Now, we are not asking you to assume you’re right continuously throughout the entire year.  The point behind this resolution is to realize that you do not know it all. Carry yourself with the confidence of “knowing” that you’re right up until the moment that it backfires and you realize that you can’t always be right. Sometimes, you will be wrong in your choices.  You will mess up.  That is the way life, and business, works.

Why is it important to realize this?  Because after realizing that it is okay to make mistakes, all of your business decisions will be affected.  You will see that even though your choice might not turn out to be the greatest, you will still gain a learning experience that will help lead you closer to the right choice.  The greatest opportunities often come out of our greatest failures.

No one is perfect, but we encourage you to try and be for a little while.  Then, after your ego gets crushed, the real learning can begin.

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