As an entrepreneur, finding new ways to have a huge impact on the success and reach of your business is a continuous challenge. According to, however, it’s possible for small business owners to have a large global impact –
Customer Satisfaction: Divide and Conquer
As your company grows and expands, it’s hard to balance cost effective business strategies while maintaining outstanding customer satisfaction. As Bain & Company explains, many businesses temporarily sacrifice customer service in order to reduce costs, and later boost customer service
4 Benefits of Live Answering Services for Entrepreneurs
Life as an entrepreneur can be difficult, yet rewarding. You have the opportunity to use your skills as an independent leader and thinker to blaze a new trail. Of course, throughout this process, there are specific challenges that arise, particularly
The True Cost of a Missed Call
“Please Hold.” How to Handle Long Hold Times
Local Accents Increase Customer Satisfaction
“Hello, customer service. How may I help you?” With just those eight words, a customer may already be dreading having called customer service. No matter how simple a question they had, it’s now become a chore and will take up